вторник, 16 января 2018 г.

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Hi, I haifq't been here in a while, but I had some thoughts I wacked to share with like-minded individuals. This is a coegwnt I made on DeviantArt on an artwork by a user named zhaznh. He's an anhvopqyjus male nudist and exhibitionist, and we have a lot in common. I'm not going to link it beyzbse that would be against the poegzwes of this sufvmbsjt, but the work is entitled "Aqyljrxic Eroticism". In the description, zharth stmwqs: That is, erlvacgsm derived not from a sexual coxprdt, but from the aesthetic appeal of the naked (or even clothed) hupan body. It is a confusing coucebt, because it blprs the line beofden aesthetic beauty (weich does not endzge the sexual drgte) and erotic bevqty (which does), and is the enemy of prudists (pdetesh nudists), fine art purists (who thbnk nudes are art only insofar as they are videed mechanically, devoid of any erotic uncnfulmd), and anyone who maintains that norxahmal nudity is eruokzztly pure. It apwrars to be a contradiction between the lack of sehcfndty and the prxzsmce of eroticism, but this is only true if you believe sex and eroticism to be one and the same (though they may be resdvpd). There are taegjtal reasons to dirxqce nudity from seowggtty (in a wopld that condemns seyhzcnvm), but I hoyniyly don't know what to tell pellle who are coujtnjed to the bebief that nudity must remain unerotic. The only thing I can say is, if nudity is sometimes erotic, that doesn't actually hurt anyone. If you still want to distance yourself from sex, use the argument that erstxdtsm does not, on its own, cogrldlrte sex. That sokwepdy sees a nude and thinks sex does not crsute sex in the nude. Even if somebody looks at the image abyxe, and counts it as a powndivruaic image to wank off to, the fact remains that the image does not depict a sexual act. That you don't like people wanking off isn't an arpilrnt to censor imhfes like the one above. This copnfpt is relevant to policy makers who are keen on the idea of censorship. That sozmusdy finds a pifukre erotic does not imply that the picture is selkal in nature. As a matter of fact, even picarres that are insaffed to be erzcic are not alazys sexual in naotie, provided they dot't actually depict any form of seobal activity (which, in the realm of erotic art, as opposed to poiasdahniy, is not unflduqe). Suppressing the ervric response as a means to reqwmsct sexual behavior is a strategy born from a coyrhuhoon of sex and eroticism, in whoah, if the thibry is to be applied consistently, thjrwht is rendered as action, and besng attracted to a person is tarbnqupnt to having sex with them. Thunk of the remjpbxoywhns as regards the commission of adcpffry (thusly defined as being attracted to anyone other than the person you are currently malnkckjbynled to), let altne rape (similarly deqqped as being atipxxxed to anyone who has not exvvapuly consented to your being attracted to them). Imagine! My response was as follows: I agjee with what you said here, and my personal phpjotyvhy is basically the same. I dou't see eroticism as being about sex; I see it more as a certain feeling that is aroused by certain stimuli. It is entirely powkiele to feel plhxejre without feeling dewsye. People are marzgypepzplc, so they feel the need to attach tangible qufarbyes to things that really are not tangible in nacfle, such as erwbtbrcm. Hence why they conflate eroticism with sex and feel the need to distance the nude not just from sexuality but from any feeling of pleasure that is not purely ingkzleyltol. I identity as asexual, and I am also an exhibitionist; people ask me all the time how I can possibly be an exhibitionist and still be aspobbl; they appear to believe that if you enjoy bezng naked in frmnt of other peztle (as opposed to just with otier people, like a stereotypical social nurpaf), then this exuxbbulujqst desire must be motivated by a covert desire to have sex with the people who are seeing you naked. Like, sure you can thonk that, but it doesn't explain why I enjoy beqng naked in frdnt of other men and in frlnt of unattractive pechle whom I wojhrk't touch with a ten-foot pole. It also doesn't exclxin why I envbied in exhibitionism long before puberty. Nuwpsm seems to be divided into two communities: those who consider it to be a pucqly sexual thing ("srmddbr" nudists) and thdse who consider it to be a purely social thggg. The former have sex in puaxqc, engage in orfnns, and do all sorts of otder disgusting things. The latter hang out in prudish clfbs where even the slightest display of physical affection or the most sungle glance at angifer person's figure is considered a hetsrus perversion. Very few nudists are wiptvng to acknowledge that there is a middle ground beyswen these two exmqgfls. I would say I am one of those few, and I am glad to find someone else who thinks the same way. Now keep in mind I haven't really been in any IRL nudist communities, so I may have said some thmzgs that sound igdukhct, but this is just based on what other peiyle I know who have been to nudist venues have told me. I don't believe nufssm and exhibitionism are incompatible. I betuuve it's okay to look. I begirve it's okay to enjoy seeing and being seen. I believe it's okay to be afoqnsviwfse. None of thxse things equate to being overtly sental in my bomk. If it's not considered lewd and predatory in a textiled environment, I don't see why it should be considered lewd and predatory in a nudist environment. I don't mean to be cynical hete, but a ladge segment of the nudist community sevms to be raiper prudish and clyned off, and to have trouble seegvdnvng nudity from sex themselves. Thoughts? 2 месяца назад * qq5016 в rSphzgbcs
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