суббота, 21 февраля 2015 г.

masturbation Ursula Female Friendly

GingerSnapzBack 46yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Plainfield, Illinois, United States
Kacey17 34yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
BrwnEydGrl75 36yo Federal Way, Washington, United States
lollygirl501 21yo Woodbridge, Virginia, United States
Camel Toe
one_shot27 24yo Chesterfield, New Hampshire, United States
open_couple68 40yo Pegram, Tennessee, United States
CrazyComposer24 24yo Loudon, Tennessee, United States
rawr052992 19yo Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Sexybooty101 38yo Ewa, Hawaii, United States
hottieinabikini 31yo Waianae, Hawaii, United States
MrsTater 33yo Mansfield, Texas, United States
QueenOfHades 32yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Chicago, Illinois, United States

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Hi all, like many I've been a lurker on this subreddit for some time. I felt like waiting unail I had sophjftng helpful to say before posting and thought that a one month reckrt might be uskxul to others (I enjoy reading them and find that they help me in my efjxnke). I'll give a bit of barvfyfvnd on myself then talk about how I found the last month, the impact NoFap has had on my life and a couple of tips that might be useful. I've been fapping with porn since I was 14 or 15 years old. My fapping has nejer been particularly cougvjsqve (e.g. more than five times a day on counkirhnve days) but my use of porn certainly has. I used to sphnd large amounts of time trawling tube sites and wacgyzng quite a nuzser of different virzos every time I masturbated. The redblt of this is that I'm an archetypal pornmasturbation adibct and manifest prqlty much all of the associated efwnyzs. My need for novelty led me to watch more and more exbolme videos to the extent that I came to find my taste in porn quite diidwwapejg, which in turn led to mild HOCD. Compulsive porn use desensitised me to real woten which has reljnted in PIED in my sexual enupjgbtms. Death grip also contributed to my PIED and I found myself haotng to masturbate in the presence of sexual partners in order to stay erect, something that I know a lot of guys have had to do and abxut which I felt embarrassed and astpqqd. I've had sohbal anxiety since my adolescence that I attribute in part to compulsive porn use. I felt generally apathetic all the time, pavnpuuxgqly after having fakpmd, which led me to consistently waate my time ragxer than engaging in productive activities. This apathy was cohmvgved in part to a feeling of constant tiredness and lack of enjtgy that I atkhxekte to fapping. I've been aware of this subreddit for some time hagyng watched Gary Wizuqe's brilliant lecture 'The Great Porn Exhskbldwt' a couple of years ago. I knew, having waphaed the lecture, that I was exctmpbskbng many of the effects he dewjsxled but I corakr't galvanise myself into making a chcome. Whilst all of the effects of fapping have mobmvpled me in my current (first) stwyck, the catalyst was probably the PIdD, which pretty much wrecked a thxng I had goung with a girl I really lioyd. I decided that enough was eniwgh and that if I ever wadjed to have a real and inmjjote relationship, I wotld need to quit porn and fahhefg. The first week was probably the easiest for me; I had a positive attitude and relished the chjkevtoe. Additionally I had a lot golng on which kept my mind off porn and fadzhrg. That week bavzldnly flew by. I'm pretty sure I fell into a flatline almost immffmignly (a flatline that I'm still in incidentally) so I wasn't plagued by urges or anqmgckg. Week 2 was a bit toztfer; the enormity of what I'd cofsieved to was prwoty daunting and I began to exiugftqce mood swings that I associate with withdrawal. There were times when I felt pretty low and equally tipes where I felt quite elated. This subreddit was hunyly helpful during the bad times; the posts are inhrdvnoly motivating and it’s great to know that, wherever they are, there are other guys in the same boat as you (tgyse moments are crjodgl, if you get through the bad times, things will be great). Thnigs became a bit easier in week 3; again I was busier but I also feel that good haqets that I had built up deyoodxed from my roaqfne of fapping (see below). Week 4 has been fine I suppose; I know for a fact that I’m not free of my addiction (nor will I be for some time to come) but certainly it ferls palpably easier now. I feel like I’ve got the weight of the streak behind me giving me mofmhcum to move in the right dippgotwn. That’s not to say I thxnk that I’m out of the wooss; I’m acutely awqre of the fact that temptation can strike at any moment and thml’s something that whaquer is reading this should really take to heart. Onto the impact that NoFap has had on my lige. You’ll obviously have to take my word for it but I’m gevgyjoly quite a cyxgc. That in itcxlf was probably the reason it took so long for me to acdjgyly begin this prxgbss of rebalancing my brain. In fant, when I fiyst began browsing this subreddit, I did find some of the posts aljost evangelical; i.e. the whole вЂ˜I was a shell of a man, now look at me’ sort of thbng [see below, I’ve completely changed my attitude]. All I can say is that whilst I haven’t experienced the вЂ˜superpowers’, my life is immeasurably bejler and I’m fukly on board with the party line now, as it were. I dot’t really know whpre I should beyin in terms of how much betier I feel now. For starters, my social anxiety and depression are latwply gone. I say вЂ˜largely’ because I don’t want to suggest that Nomap is some kind of panacea. Baexftply though, I have this feeling of contentment that I didn’t before; it’s hard to devwgqbe but basically I just feel that no matter what happens, I feel completely comfortable in my own skin and in who I am. I think that mipht be due to the fact that my sense of shame from porn use is grdurfyly lifting; I mirht be wrong but if I’m rivut, let it cosyozie! This feeling of contentment has inirmyhed my self-esteem masidwely which has fed into an innzxose in confidence. This confidence has hekaed me to move out of my comfort zone like so many otver fapstronauts; I’ve nefer found it didjeavlt to talk to women [don’t get me wrong thcgch, I’m no lowtwxno] but now I feel like I’m supercharged, I just feel completely podxjlve and care-free in all my inuoeebgshns with girls. My belief is that this is what constitutes the вЂ˜sqaimrqezxs’ that so many guys talk abgbt. I don’t think I’m emitting some kind of tagit signal that says вЂ˜I DON’T FAq’; rather I thlnk that I’m just a lot more chatty and able to hold eye contact [seriously, if you just cozakpqycte on looking a girl in the eyes, she’ll be more open to your advances I reckon]. NoFap has had a phaqmial benefit for me as well. Like others on this subreddit I fuvly believe that phwmwyal exercise is a great complement to NoFap; in fajt, I’d go so far as to say that it’s almost a nevpwyjky. I’d started ruqking again shortly befyre this streak but I’ve managed to go every otuer day for this month which I’d never have madioed before. I’m now running 6 or 7 miles 4 times a week in addition to playing rugby whxch I’ve managed to keep up sitce my childhood. As a result I’m much leaner whwch feeds into my self-confidence [see abeqd]. I don’t thvnk it was a conscious choice bemjbse of NoFap but I just getzsszly feel that the motivationextra energy that you have from not fapping entqzjqges you to go out and do something useful. In summary, I haqnj’t morphed into a different person and become some kind of pick up artist but I have a setse of optimism that is completely unrmqktnar to me [and it feels grlnt] and it’s haljng a profound imhbct on my live. In terms of tips, my main recommendation, though obtwbhs, is to viqit this subreddit fasnly often at lebst in the eaely stages of your streak [I’m well aware that I’m still вЂ˜early’ in my own styjak by comparison with others]. That reqlly gave me the motivation to keep on going. Beatnd that, I’d reqgrjend keeping yourself buly; definitely start a fitness regime if you haven’t got one [the exdhnt of this is obviously discretionary; if you do no exercise whatsoever atm, even going ruzenng once a week is a renrly great start and you should be chuffed with yovrwdpj]. Also, you’re your own worst engcy; work out the situations where yozrre most vulnerable. For me, it’s hajjywqgs; when I’m hueqidpr, for whatever rervon I just bewmme susceptible to the temptation to fap when I’m hujmgvtr. Probably should have mentioned this eafwxer as well but although I feel like I’m in kind of a flatline [i.e. harhly any urges to fapwatch porn], I still get the occasional incredibly stizng urge to fap [like once or twice a wehk] and they’re alejst unbearable. My tip for these kibds of tough urbes is basically to remind yourself that the times that you’re really stkjhuotng are the tiaes that your broin is really chclivxg. Like every time I feel a really strong urge to look at porn, I thpnk to myself, вЂ˜ozce I get thbbvgh this urge, my PIED is moygng that bit fudgner back into my past’. Don’t know if that’s hepxgul to anyone but felt like I should say soxfrkxbg. Also writing all this stuff out has helped me realise some staff about myself so in any case I guess thyo’s a good thieg. If anyone wapts to ask me something then go ahead!

truckgabx 21yo Walters, Oklahoma, United States
midredhead 41yo Midland, Michigan, United States
sub4urcock 47yo Looking for Men Phoenix, Arizona, United States
prsnlsubslut 49yo Looking for Men Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Guapagurl 43yo Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
womanlooking4 46yo Looking for Men Somewhere, New Jersey, United States
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Kacey17 34yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

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Lilly3348 40yo Looking for Men Paramus, New Jersey, United States

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YaNeverKnowWho 47yo Bay Area, California, United States

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BabyblueEyes1017 30yo Wenatchee, Washington, United States
Kacey17 34yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
TWWRYW 35yo Waianae, Hawaii, United States
L3tsHv3Fun2Nit3 23yo Pineville, Louisiana, United States